Maintenance Tips for Your Business’s Extension Cords

Properly maintaining all of your business’s tools and equipment is one of the most important things you can do to keep your bottom line in check. When it comes to extension cord maintenance, it’s important to keep a few key pieces of advice in mind to ensure you get the longest lifespan possible from your extension cords. 

If we had to guess, there’s probably a bin in your warehouse right now with all kinds of cords tangled up and just waiting for your attention. Well, today’s the day! Heed the following advice on how to properly maintain your extension cords, and you’ll save your future self from the frustration of untangling extension cords when you need them most.

Keep Cords Away from Foot Traffic

Extension cords don’t wear out from the electrical current coursing through them, but rather the abuse they endure from being in a busy work setting. The insulative jacket that protects the interior wiring is prone to wear down and crack when repeatedly trampled upon and tossed about. Do yourself and your employees a favor and avoid stringing extension cords through busy walkways where they’re bound to take a beating. If a cord becomes damaged, it’s a fire hazard. If you notice any wear and tear, don’t take any chances—discard the cord.

How to Wrap and Store Your Extension Cords

Did you know that extension cords have multiple wires inside of their protective insulation jackets? Well, they do. And these interior wires have a natural twist that needs to be accounted for when you wrap your cords to avoid unwanted kinks. Kinks usually occur when the cord is wrapped around the elbow and through the thumb and forefinger while the arm is held at a 90° angle. Don’t do this! Over time, the wires will break down, lose conductivity, generate too much heat, and ultimately fail.

While that got dark fast, there’s still hope for your extension cords. All you need to do is loop your extension cord in an under/over configuration to avoid kinking your cord. Or take a cue from how a cowboy coils his lasso rope. That works too.

Finally, when you store your extension cords for later use, make sure they’re out of direct sunlight. Sunlight weakens the insulating jacket, which can make your extension cord susceptible to further damage.

* * *

Now that you know how to care for your extension cords, it’s time to replace any damaged cords that you may have lying around. Shop for extension cords and everything else your business needs today.

Product Compliance and Suitability

The product statements contained in this guide are intended for general informational purposes only. Such product statements do not constitute a product recommendation or representation as to the appropriateness, accuracy, completeness, correctness or currentness of the information provided. Information provided in this guide does not replace the use by you of any manufacturer instructions, technical product manual, or other professional resource or adviser available to you. Always read, understand and follow all manufacturer instructions.

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