11 Alternative Uses for Sandpaper

Sandpaper is your small business’s go-to for creating a smooth, professional finish on a variety of workpieces. But did you know that sandpaper can do so much more than perfect your latest project? Let’s look at 11 unexpected ways sandpaper can save the day (and help prevent the need for costly replacements).

1. Remove Adhesive

Sticky residue from labels on your glass, metal, or plastic surfaces can be a pain. Remove it instantly with sandpaper.

2. Clean Grout Lines

Sometimes no amount of cleaning product and scrubbing will make your grout look new again. Start fresh by sanding the top layer away to reveal clean grout below.

3. Smooth Minor Dents in Metal

Are small dents in your metal office furniture taking up too much of your mental space? Make them less noticeable by sanding them down.

4. Enhance Your Grip on Tools

Make hand tools such as hammers and wrenches easier to grasp by roughing up the handle (just a tad) with sandpaper.

5. Remove Scuff Marks

Scuff marks on your floors or walls can make an unfavorable impression on your customers. Remove them in a flash with sandpaper.

6. Clean Your Tools

If rust or gunk is marring your tools, there’s no need to replace them. Sand away the unsightly matter and restore your tools to as good as new.

7. Sharpen Blades

Keep scissors and such in top condition by sharpening them against sandpaper.

8. Fix Sticky Doors and Windows

Windows and doors can expand and contract with age. If you find them more difficult to maneuver, sand away the side that’s causing the obstruction and look forward to smoother days ahead.

9. Reduce Friction on Machinery

Friction can cut short the lifespan of equipment and machinery. If you notice a part catching, simply sand it for smoother operation.

10. Create a Distressed Look

Do you love the look of signs or furniture pieces that have stood the test of time? If your business has a rustic or vintage vibe, keep your branding consistent by distressing signs or furniture with sandpaper. A few scuffs can go a long way to create the look you want.

11. Refresh Office Furniture

If a more polished look is your preference, buff away scratches and imperfections on your office furniture with fine-grit sandpaper.

Now that you know more ways you can use sandpaper, it’s time to impress your employees. Order some sandpaper today and find everything else you need for your business at Zoro.com.

Product Compliance and Suitability

The product statements contained in this guide are intended for general informational purposes only. Such product statements do not constitute a product recommendation or representation as to the appropriateness, accuracy, completeness, correctness, or currentness of the information provided. Information provided in this guide does not replace the use by you of any manufacturer instructions, technical product manual, or other professional resource or adviser available to you. Always read, understand, and follow all manufacturer instructions.

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