A Business Owner’s Guide to Dealing with Frozen Pipes

When your facility's pipes freeze, it can derail your whole operation and cause lost productivity and revenue. If your business is in a cold climate, it’s crucial to know what to do when Jack Frost strikes so that you can thaw your pipes and get production up and running again. Follow these steps and you may be able to save yourself from having to hire a professional.

1. Turn Your Water Main Off

This critical first step will take the pressure off the frozen pipes. Frozen pipes run the risk of bursting, which can cause costly damage to your facility when water starts flowing again.

2. Find Your Frozen Pipe

Frozen pipes are often found in areas such as basements, attics, crawl spaces, exterior walls, or under a sink. A key indicator that a pipe is frozen is the presence of frost on the outside of the pipe.

3. Thaw Your Frozen Pipe (If It’s Exposed) 

Once you’ve identified your frozen pipe, it’s time to thaw it out. Never use an open flame to thaw your pipes. If you use a space heater, make sure it’s placed far enough away from your walls and avoids contact with any flammable materials.

Here are a few ways to thaw your frozen pipes: 

  • Hair dryer
  • Space heater
  • Towels soaked in hot water
  • Electric heating pad or blanket
  • Infrared heating lamp

NEVER use these methods to thaw frozen pipes:

  • Propane heater
  • Charcoal stove
  • Blowtorch
  • Kerosene
  • An open flame of any kind

4. Check Your Exposed Pipes for Leaks

Although you’ve turned off the water main, there’s likely enough pressure to expose any leaks. Take advantage of these unfortunate circumstances and check for leaks now to avoid future plumbing problems.

5. If Needed, Call a Plumbing Professional

If you doubt your skills or don’t want to deal with a potential mess (hand raised over here), call a professional. They have special equipment to thaw your pipes, will expertly repair any leaks, and will probably give you some good advice.

6. Develop a Communication Plan

Just like with any emergency preparedness plan, draft your emergency communication message before there’s an emergency. With the heightened stress in the event of an emergency, you’ll be at a loss for words and will likely leave out key details. Plus, you won’t want to sit down and draft an email when your attention is needed elsewhere. Consider who is on your need-to-know list including employees, customers, and any other stakeholders.

7. Prevent Your Pipes from Freezing in the Future

You won’t want to hear this in the midst of a frozen pipe situation, but frozen pipes are preventable. Make sure to insulate any pipes that are exposed to the elements and seal any cracks that allow cold air in. 

* * *

Now that you know what to do when your pipes freeze, it’s time to gear up with any supplies you may need. Our extensive selection of plumbing supplies offers everything you need to stay incident-free this winter.

Product Compliance and Suitability

The product statements contained in this guide are intended for general informational purposes only. Such product statements do not constitute a product recommendation or representation as to the appropriateness, accuracy, completeness, correctness, or currentness of the information provided. Information provided in this guide does not replace the use by you of any manufacturer instructions, technical product manual, or other professional resource or adviser available to you. Always read, understand, and follow all manufacturer instructions.

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