Work Gloves Buying Guide: Tips for Finding the Perfect Pair

For small business owners and contractors, ensuring the safety and protection of everyone on your team is of the utmost importance. And when it comes to personal protective equipment (PPE), high-quality work gloves designed for your environment are the best way to prevent hand injuries and maintain a safe workplace. 

However, with so many available options, selecting the right work gloves that also meet OSHA standards (and fit into your budget) can be a challenging task. In this buying guide, we'll help you find the gloves you need and break down the relevant OSHA standards, various glove types, and more to help you arrive at the right decision for your business.

Understanding OSHA Standards for Work Gloves

Start by familiarizing yourself with these OSHA standards for work gloves to ensure compliance when purchasing gloves. For example, OSHA requires employers to assess workplace hazards, select appropriate gloves for the identified risks, and provide training on proper glove usage and maintenance. By understanding these standards, you can make informed decisions when choosing work gloves for your employees.

OSHA Standard 1910.38 states:

  • 1910.138(a). General requirements. Employers shall select and require employees to use appropriate hand protection when employees’ hands are exposed to hazards such as those from skin absorption of harmful substances; severe cuts or lacerations; severe abrasions; punctures; chemical burns; thermal burns; and harmful temperature extremes. 
  • 1910.138(b). Selection. Employers shall base the selection of the appropriate hand protection on an evaluation of the performance characteristics of the hand protection relative to the task(s) to be performed, conditions present, duration of use, and the hazards and potential hazards identified.

Tips for Selecting the Right Work Gloves for Every Job

1. Identify All Workplace and Jobsite Hazards

Before purchasing work gloves, identify the hazards present in your work environment—whether that's inside your facility or outside at the jobsite. Are your team members at risk of cuts, punctures, chemicals, or extreme temperatures on the job? Understanding these dangers is essential to selecting gloves with the appropriate protective properties. 

Not all gloves are intended to protect against the same hazards. If your workers handle sharp objects, for example, look for gloves with cut-resistant materials. If chemical exposure is a concern, opt for gloves with chemical-resistant coatings.

2. Choose the Right Material

As discussed above, different work environments call for specific glove types to offer maximum protection—and the hazards of the job may also dictate the material required. Some common glove types include leather gloves for general protection, cut-resistant gloves for sharp objects, chemical-resistant gloves for hazardous substances, and insulated gloves for cold environments. Consider your workers' tasks and choose gloves that provide adequate protection for their specific job functions. Comfort and practicality are also important, but protection from hazards should be the top priority. 

3. Find the Right Fit

Last but not least, the gloves' comfort and fit are crucial to ensuring that workers wear them consistently. Ill-fitting gloves can reduce dexterity and lead to accidents. Look for gloves that offer a range of sizes to fit your employees, and consider conducting fitting sessions for your employees in addition to all required training. A well-fitting glove should provide adequate coverage without limiting hand movement. Remember, comfort and fit will increase worker satisfaction, productivity, and compliance with wearing safety gear.

Comparison Guide for Work Gloves

With so many gloves offering different types of protection, materials, and fit, shopping for work gloves can be overwhelming. Here, we've simplified the process with a handy chart that compares the most common types, including their material, hazard protection, and appropriate industries for use.

  Cut-Resistant Chemical- or Liquid-Resistant Leather Disposable Mechanics
  Cut-Resistant Gloves Chemical-Resistant Gloves Leather Gloves Mechanics Gloves
Made of: Polyester, Natural Rubber, Nitrile Rubber, Polyurethane Neoprene, Nitrile, PVC, Rubber Latex Cowhide, Goatskin, Pigskin; with various stitching materials Latex, Nitrile, Polyethylene; with powdered and powder-free options Leather, Neoprene, Spandex, Synthetic Leather
Protection: Abrasions, Cuts, Scrapes Resists Acids, Alcohols, Acetates, Animal Fats, Aromatic Solvents, Bases, Cleaners, Degreasers, Hydrocarbons, Petroleum-Based Solvents, Oils Abrasions, Cuts, Sparks, Wet Conditions Resists certain Chemicals, Greases, Oils, and Hydrocarbons encountered during light-duty maintenance and cleanup Abrasions, Cold Weather, Heat, High Visibility, Impact
Industry: Automotive, Drilling, Electrical, Extrication, Food Service, Glass Handling, HVAC, Impact, Machine Repair, Mining, Plumbing, Rigging Agriculture, Casting, Chemical Processing, Construction, Food Processing, Hazardous Liquids, Landscaping, Janitorial and Maintenance, Pharmaceutical, Oil Refining, Petrochemicals Carpentry, Construction, Electrical, HVAC, Landscaping, Farming, Ranching, Rope Handling, Utility Foodservice, Healthcare, Laboratories, Janitorial, Maintenance Construction, Equipment Operation, Forestry, Maintenance, Mechanical Work, Metal Working, Ranching, Repairs, Towing, Transportation


Wearing appropriate work gloves that meet OSHA standards and protect against common workplace hazards is one of the best ways for small businesses to prevent accidents and injuries on the job. However, with so many different types of gloves available, it can be difficult to ensure you're buying the right ones for your employees—especially when you take standards and budgeting into consideration. As you shop for protective work gloves, use this guide and the chart above to help you make the right decision for your business and your team.

Shopping for work gloves and other PPE for your business? Find everything you need at today!

Product Compliance and Suitability

The product statements contained in this guide are intended for general informational purposes only. Such product statements do not constitute a product recommendation or representation as to the appropriateness, accuracy, completeness, correctness or currentness of the information provided. Information provided in this guide does not replace the use by you of any manufacturer instructions, technical product manual, or other professional resource or adviser available to you. Always read, understand and follow all manufacturer instructions.

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